Kunci Gitar dan Piano | Chord Nidji Kau Dan Aku (English Version)
Berikut ini adalah CHORD NIDJI KAU DAN AKU (ENGLISH VERSION), Lengkap lirik dengan Kunci gitar yang standart. Jadi jangan takut fals ya, kunci gitar atau chordnya mudah banget kok. Kamu Juga bisa mengikuti lirik lagunya dan di iringi dengan instrument lain. Kunci gitar yang pas jadi bisa kamu terapin ke Chord Piano.Berikut langsung saja saya sajikan CHORD NIDJI KAU DAN AKU (ENGLISH VERSION). Ingat...kuncinya bisa kamu terapkan ke Gitar maupun Piano.
Intro : C Dm Am G
C Dm Em Am G F 2x
C Dm Em
Is it a time to talk
Am G F
Or is it a time to wait
C Dm Em
This is a time for one source
Am G F
By killing my own believe
C Dm Em
When love is all that i know
Am G F
Love is faithless
C Dm Em
You and i were meant to be
Am G F
Wanting that i believe
C Dm
Can i believe you and i
Am G
Will never be apart
C Dm
Can still believe you and i
Am G
Till time will let us live
C Dm
Can i believe you and i
Am G
Will never be apart
C Dm
Can still believe you and i
Am G
Till time will let us live
Am G
Till God will let us live
C Dm Em
When love is all that i know
Am G F
Although the answer lays in lie
C Dm Em
Dont deny n stay with me
Am G F
For all eternity and always will be
Am F C G
Am F C G
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C Dm Am G ...